Growing and Changing in 2025 - Jeff (2025/1/4)  [Home]



今この瞬間、2025年は真っさらなキャンバスのようなものです。一年後に自分の人生の絵がどのような姿になっていてほしいかを考えています。典型的なアルコホリックらしく、私はもっと多くのものを求めています ―― もっと豊かさを、もっと創造性を、もっと喜びを。今の人生も十分素晴らしいですが、さらに豊かで、充実し、より穏やかな人生を望んでいます。ミーティング会場の中でも外でも、他者とのつながりを深めたい。そして、新しい妻への愛を育み続けたいと思っています。




Translator : yu

Hi Everyone, Jeff, alcoholic

A little voice has been nagging me to get some resolutions down on paper for the new year. Specifically, the voice wants to know what I will do to improve my connection with my HP, better carry the message and practice more love and tolerance in my life.

Right now 2025 is a clean canvas. What do I want my life’s painting to look like a year from now? Like any good alcoholic, I want more — more abundance, more creativity, more joy. Although my life is pretty darn good right now, I want a richer, fuller, more peaceful life. I want to deepen my connection with others, both in and out of the rooms. I want to continue to grow my love for my new wife.

I do not have the power to bring about these changes myself, but God does. I know from countless experiences when I turn up the volume of my program, I get closer to God and change happens naturally. Half measures get me nowhere.

Just thinking about the changes I’d like to see next year and writing them down sets the wheel in motion, but the key, as usual, is willingness. What am I willing to do to continue to grow along spiritual lines? Is it time for another run through the steps? Might I increase my number of meetings? Try out some new meetings? Take a service new position? Should I spend more time in prayer and meditation? Focus on becoming more aware of some of my pesky character defects? I know that positive changes result whenever I demonstrate my willingness to grow. Nothing is wasted in God’s world.

Happy New Year!

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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