Re: Topic September 15 th - Ellen (2024/9/20)  [Home]
Re: 9月15日のトピック


神が 神とは、宗教や信仰において、超自然的な力や存在とされる存在のことを指します。神は全能であり、普遍的な存在と考えられています。異なる宗教や信念によって、神の性質や属性は異なる場合がありますが、普遍的な存在として神を信仰する人々もいます。神は宇宙や人間の生活に影響を与えると考えられています。
には「私たちの霊的な状態の維持にかかっている日々の安息」とあります。「すべての事柄において」というのはその通りだと教わりました...ミーティング会場の中でも外でも... まだ苦しんでいるアルコホーリクやノン・アルコホーリクに奉仕をすることです。(時には連続して、直線的に - 全て同時にではありません。)シラフな人生の完全なサイクルです。健康的な行動や態度、霊的な面持ち、アルコールにその逃避を求める空虚さはもうありません。なんて素晴らしいことでしょう!


Sober Date 2003年1月21日

Translator : yu

Good morning - my name is Ellen and I am an alcoholic. I am very grateful to be sober and alive, today.

One of the gifts that God gave me that first morning I woke up not wanting to drink anymore (THAT was the first gift!) was hope. I found that hope in the Twelfth Step. I had felt spiritually broken for a very long time... I had lost hope. When I realized that I had always been searching for that 'something' to fill that deep dark void in my soul, the God I had turned my back on because I felt I was never going to measure up' to His standards, never be worthy of His love and attention... [He] directed me that morning to Alcoholics Anonymous and the Steps. As I read through the steps, I had no idea where this was going to lead me, how I was going to STAY sober with these steps, but when I read Step Twelve, I felt goosebumps. I didn't need to know the how at that moment... I had just been given the hope that AA was going to show me what I needed to do, not only to stay sober, but how to fill that void, a spiritual awakening. Filling that void was the answer to staying sober, and vice versa. The desire to drink was removed immediately, and the rest has been 'the journey' ever since. Our BB on page 77 tells us, "Our real purpose is to fit ourselves to be of maximum service to God and the people about us." I cannot serve those around me unless I take care of myself and stay sober. (Isn't taking care of oneself a measure of honoring our Creator?) And, I cannot take care of myself and stay sober unless I serve those around me. This has become a perpetual circle (or cycle, if you will), even with the struggles of living this life along the way. Or, as our BB says, "a daily reprieve contingent on the maintenance of our spiritual condition." I was taught that 'in all our affairs' means just that... both in the rooms and outside the rooms... serving still-suffering alcoholics and non-alcoholics, alike. (Sometimes, consecutive, linear - not all at the same time.) The full circle of a sober life. Healthy behaviors and attitudes, a spiritual countenance, no more void seeking that illusive relief in alcohol. What a blessing!

Thank you for letting me share.

Ellen A
Lakeside, Arizona
DOS 1-21-03

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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