Topic - fear and demands - Dave (2023/6/20)  [Home]


私はしばらくの間、demand (要求) と request (リクエスト) の違いについて、戸惑っていました。しかしそれは、私が

しかし時が経つにつれて、私のニーズは満たされているのだから、他のことを急ぐ必要はないのだと、徐々に理解するようになりました。 何が自分にとってベストなのか、自分には本当にわからないのだ、ということも学びました。これも自分が望むものを得ることを急いではいけないという、もう一つの理由です! 「......それがあなたの意志であるならば......」あるいはそのいくつかのバージョンで、祈りを締めくくるようになりました。時間がかかるものには、時間がかかるのです。(新人の頃はこの表現が大嫌いでした!)

私たちが "完璧ではなく前進 " をモットーにしていることをうれしく思います。

David xxxx

Translator : yu

Hi, everyone. My name is Dave and I am an alcoholic. Thanks so much for a wonderful topic, Laura, and for the 7th Step quote. I had been looking for just that quote recently! Welcome to all and congrats to AA (and HP!) for any milestones we celebrate this week. The program works!

I was a bit baffled by the difference between a demand and a request for quite some time. But it has slowly become clear to me, just as it became clear that fear was tied to every single one of the harms done others and resentments I listed on my last in-depth inventory taken with my sponsor. Every. Single. One. I learned that anger (had a lot of that, too) was always second, following a fear that had been triggered.

But with time came the gradual understanding that my needs are met, so I need not be in a hurry for anything else. I also learned that I truly do not know what is best for me. That was another reason not to be in a hurry to get what I want! “. . . if it be thy will . . . “ or some version of that became the epilogue to every prayer. Time takes time (hated that expression when I was new!).

I’m so glad we operate on “progress, not perfection.

Love and peace from a steamy Moseley, VA,
David xxxx

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

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